Rehab For Marijuana Users

by erin on December 22, 2011

Detoxification, or detox, focuses on managing the acute symptoms of drug intoxication and withdrawal. Detox is aimed at ameliorating the physical effects of drug abuse. Marijuana rehab is more concerned with the psychological and social ramifications. The goals are long term discontinuation of drug use and adopting a new, drug-free lifestyle. Rehabilitation is more complicated than trying to clear the substance from the system in order to pass a drug test at work.

The Source

Marijuana comes from the leaves and female flowers of the Cannabis sativa plant. The plant is dried and either smoked, baked into brownies, drunk in the form of tea or absorbed into oils. Thousands of years ago, it was used in religious practices. Today, it is more often used in a social ritual for recreational purposes. It is widely regarded by experts as the least damaging and the most commonly abused illicit drug on earth. It did not become criminalized until early in the Twentieth Century.

The Intake

When Cannabis is incorporated into social rituals, it is usually rolled up in cigarette papers into what are known as ‘joints’. The ritual begins with someone lighting the joint, taking a ‘hit’ and passing it on to the next smoker, and so on. Smoking cannabis induces a sensation of euphoria and calm. All of the senses are intensified. Colors are brighter, the sense of touch is heightened and music sounds better when high.

The Results

One of the consequences of using cannabis is a distortion in the sense of the passage of time. A few minutes can seem like ages. Users also get the ‘munchies’ and experience ‘cotton mouth’. In other words, they become hungry and thirsty.

Social Aspect

Watching television or listening to music are common social practices that involve cannabis. It is not unusual to send someone out on a mission to bring back drinks and snacks to counter the effects of cottonmouth and the munchies. This may involve going to the supermarket or raiding a fast food place. Some people become paranoid in the company of non-users when they are under the influence of cannabis. These are unsuitable candidates for the munchies run. Although the symptoms wear off after a few hours of use, the drug can remain in the system and detectable in urine for several weeks.


The strains of cannabis that are in use today are a lot stronger than that which was used by the baby boomer generation while they were growing up. Known by the name ‘skunk’, these strains have been consciously bread by growers for many years. The numbers of arrests and seizures of the high potency varieties have increased, while those of the lower strength strains have declined.


Despite common folklore to the contrary, it is possible to become addicted to cannabis. This is defined as the point when it takes larger amounts to reach the same feeling of high or when it obstructs participation in employment or normal social activities. There are more people enrolling in drug rehabilitation programs for cannabis than any other substance, including crack, heroin and cocaine.

Residential marijuana rehab programs work very well because they take the subject physically away from the influences that encourage their drug use. There are also inpatient treatment centers that can handle any addiction from crack cocaine rehab to heroin detox. However, outpatient programs are growing in use. Some of the methods employed to treat cannabis addiction include Cognitive Behavior Therapy followed by community support and joining self-help groups.

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