Means For Renewing A Passport

by erin on July 5, 2011

Renewing a passport can be a simple matter when it is done through the mail. For this to happen, certain conditions must be met. Your most recent issuance of one of these has to be in decent condition because it will need to be sent in along with other things. It also has to be less than fifteen years of age. You must also be over sixteen years of age. Your name must have remained the same or there must be documents included showing a legal change.


Failing these standards means a personal appearance will be necessary. The application document that is essential here is Form DS-82. It can both be found and submitted online. It is also available for downloading and printing to be mailed in later.


The most recent wait time listed for the processing of the application is two to three weeks. This will be delayed in considerable manner by the failure to include such vital data as social security numbers. All the relevant items along with the DS-82 should be sent via a padded mailer.


Additional materials to send in will consist of the passport you now hold. There must also be a properly sized photo stapled to the section labeled for it on the application form. Send in a marriage certificate if this procedure has resulted in a change of name. By adding a check for $60 or money order for the U. S. Department of State, the process will be accelerated. To do this, the mailer should have “Expedite” printed on it. Faster delivery can also be had via overnight mailings.

State Department

The State Department, which oversees this, suggests that a traceable delivery system be used in connection with your submission. The post office charges a small fee for this. So do other firms that handle this sort of delivery option. The essential documents should be contained within a Tyvek or other sort of strengthened envelope.

Required Documents

There has to be a United States address for things to be mailed to. This document will not be sent to a foreign address. In the case of citizens living abroad, people should apply through their embassy to get this done. In the case of Canada, people living there may still make applications through the mail.

Passport Agency

When these measures cannot be met in full or in the event that more haste is called for, a person should contact the Regional Passport Agency and ask for an appointment. This is the procedure to follow when international travel is anticipated within two weeks. Use it also if you need a foreign visa in the next four weeks.

Online Submissions

Online submission has helped simplify the process of renewing a passport after a stolen passport. Key portions can be conducted this way and the rest can go through the mail. Paying expediting fees and a little extra for overnight mailing can also speed things up. The fastest method will still be going into an appropriate office. These locations can be found by contacting the State Department. There are many post offices that do this.

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